Well, today is a sad day indeed. In 2003 I bought a 12″ Apple Powerbook for freelance work, and it has stood by my side for going on 3 years now. A little more than 3 years before that I purchased a 450mHz G4 grey-and-white tower (the “sawtooth” model). Well, today I am going back temporarily to the old sawtooth (which I did upgrade to 1.25gHz some time ago), and parting ways with my powerbook — selling it to a friend in need of a computer. Its funny that I’m now composing this on a 6+ year old mac, which is still quite capable of keeping up with my needs (other than the fact that I only have VGA monitor hook-ups in the back). I am looking forward to acquiring a new macintel macbook of some sort (pro or not) once they’ve released the specs for the upcoming MacBook 13″, since the 15″ still seems a bit bulky to me. The 12″ 1gHz powerbook was getting a little slow, but it was my primary machine still, which I used for all my design and development needs.
At any rate, today was the first time that I actually used the OSX utility Migration Assistant. I followed to an extent the guidelines that I had found in this article on macdevcenter.com just to make sure I wasn’t going to seriously screw anything up. The process actually went quite smoothly, barring a couple of little things. Years ago I had used a microsoft mouse, so my laptop had the ms mouse utility installed on it — this was not copied due to the fact that microsoft neglected to configure their software install properly; this, however, did not matter because the ms mouse I was using went belly-up years ago as well. The only other hiccup’s had to do with short-cut folder links that I had placed in the dock, and so their aliases now look like “?”‘s in the dock; not a big deal — I’m assuming this had to do with the fact that the hard drive names on the 2 computers were different. The only thing so far that I’ve had to re-initialize has been Flash 8 and iTunes, which use machine authorization for the application and the purchased music, respectively. Perhaps one day one will be able to perform these tasks through Migration Assistant, with the option to de-authorize the old computer (of course, I’m not sure you can de-authorize a computer for Flash 8 at all). I was pleasantly surprised at how simple Migration Assistant made the task, as well as the fact that it copied all the applications back to the sawtooth machine as well, renaming any duplicates that were encountered.
So, if you happen to be migrating user accounts to another Mac, I would recommend using the Migration Assistant just to make things simpler on yourself — and would also recommend the article linked above, which answers some pertinent questions about the process as well.