So for some reason before I had looked for jslint for doing error checking for javascript and found the one at, which requires the installation of Rhino (which is actually also handy for other things); this version for some reason didn’t work out so well for me and was throwing some errors that weren’t really errors. Today I looked again and realized that actually has an OSX executable version of jslint. In terms of ease of use, I would recommend this version since it requires no installation. Of course, this also means that I had to start working on integrating it into TextMate. I just gave it a first run, so this is still completely limited, and only works with the selected *files* in the project drawer:
eval arr=("$TM_SELECTED_FILES")
for (( i = 0; i < ${#arr[@]}; i++ )); do
$JSLINT -process ${arr[$i]}
echo "<br/><br/>"
The variable $JSLINT I have defined in the TextMate preferences in the “Shell Variables” tab of the “Advanced” preferences. Right now, all this does is run jslint on the selected files and adds a blank line in between the output for the different files. Hopefully I can put together something a bit smarter. Ideally, it would be great to be able to click a link that takes you to the document and specific line where the error is found.