uɐʎɹ ррoʇ uɐʎɹ bio photo

uɐʎɹ ррoʇ uɐʎɹ

Hello. Is is me you're looking for?
robotic life signs.
makes noise, hears sounds, intafon.
affe auf deux roues.

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Today Deyel, a PHP driven photo-journal featuring only photos taken from my phone with the camera attachment, got an upgrade to include a counter. It is not as of yet complete, as I am still working on some of the navigational functionality; however, all current photos can be viewed. In addition watch for the addition soon of a *plasticware* section to plasticstare, which will feature deyel as some sort of ____ware, whether that be shareware, postcardware, or just freeware.